Axl Rose is an American singer, songwriter, and musician who is best known as lead vocalist of the hard rock band, Guns N’ Roses. His unique vocal style is characterized by his wide vocal range and ability to switch between registers.

Founded in 1985, Guns N Roses went on to release many popular tracks like “Sweet Child o’ Mine”, “Welcome to the Jungle”, “November Rain”, “Don’t Cry”, and “Patience”.

In the year 2012, Guns N’ Roses was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a ceremony Axl Rose declined to attend.

On this very day, February 6th, 1962, he was born in Lafayette, Indiana as William Bruce Rose. Jr. In celebration of his birthday, I’ve chosen a song that truly exemplifies the explosive hard rock sound of the late 1980s. If you’d like to have a listen, please feel free to use the provided link. Released on JANUARY 10th 1989, here’s Guns N Roses, alongside today’s birthday boy, AXL ROSE, with “PARADISE CITY”….