Fee Waybill is an American musician and songwriter who is best known as lead singer of The Tubes. Formed in the early 1970s, this group gained a reputation for their theatrical live performances. Fee Waybill’s stage persona, often took on characters like “Quay Lewd” and “Dr. Strangekiss”.

Some of The Tubes’ most popular songs include “White Punks on Dope”, “Talk to Ya Later”, and today’s song choice (that can be listened to by clicking on the provided link).

On this very day, September 17th 1950, John Waldo Waybill was born in Omaha, Nebraska. In celebration of his birthday, exactly 74 years ago today, I’ve chosen a track that reached the Top 10 (in the U.S.) on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart. Taken from the album, “Outside Inside”, here’s The Tubes, featuring today’s birthday boy, FEE WAYBILL, with “SHE’S A BEAUTY”….