Daryl Dragon, born August 27th, 1942, was an American musician and songwriter who gained fame as the “Captain” in the musical duo, Captain & Tennille. His musical partner was his then-wife, Toni Tennille. The duo was best known for their pop and soft rock hits during the 1970s and early 1980s. Before forming Captain & Tennille, Daryl Dragon worked as a keyboardist for the Beach Boys in the late 1960s.

Alongside Toni Tennille, the duo produced two very popular songs including “Do That to Me One More Time”, and “Love Will Keep Us Together,” which won a Grammy Award for “Record of the Year” (in 1976). Together, they were known for their catchy tunes and the chemistry between Dragon’s keyboard skills and Tennille’s vocals. His contribution to popular music (with Captain & Tennille) remains a big part of their musical legacy throughout the 1970s. On this very day, January 2nd 2019, he passed away at the age of 76.

In memory of his passing, I have chosen the song that he is most remembered by, and that you can easily listen to by clicking on the provided song link. Released in April 1975, here’s the CAPTAIN & TENNILLE, with “LOVE WILL KEEP US TOGETHER”….